Finale Emilia

Castello delle Rocche is a beautiful structure located in the municipality of Finale Emilia, along the ancient course of the Panaro River. Built in 1402 by order of Marquis Nicolò III d’Este, who entrusted its construction to the military architect Bartolino Pioti da Novara. This Castle has undergone several transformations over the centuries.

The original structure was built as a defensive fortress, with mighty walls and imposing towers, as evidence of its historical role in the defense of the surrounding area. Over time, it was enlarged and modified to suit different needs, changing from a military fortress to a noble residence. Until the mid-1900s it was the headquarters of the Mandamental Prisons. Around the 1980s, the castle gained public functionality following restoration projects from which valuable artifacts were recovered. Now they are exposed in the Archaeological Section of the Civic Museums, housed inside the castle.

Today, the castle of Finale Emilia is an historical symbol of the city. Its grandeur and architecture attract the attention of tourists and history enthusiasts.

Its architecture, combining medieval elements with more modern ones, makes Finale Emilia Castle a fascinating place to explore, even just admiring it from the outside.